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The ideal candidate is someone who has a passion for basketball and a strong desire to serve others. 

  • The 22-30 year old that has either attended college and can’t stand corporate America and feels they are underpaid/valued while questioning the prospects of advancement relative to inflation and the cyclical recessions with our economy or the person who did not attend college and wants to get out of an hourly wage lifestyle. (2008-10 proved that CPBA is RECESSION PROOF as parents will always invest money on the development of their kids).
  • The 50 something who is living in fear of being laid off, downsized or enticed with early retirement due to age discrimination, a stock reorganization or like my friend at UPS who literally is handcuffed by HR in dealing with a new millennial culture in the workforce.
  • The athletic coach/teacher that feels disenchanted and unsupported by school administration and seeks autonomy over their domain.  They have calculated the amount of hours worked per year and salary derived from that profession and recognize the opportunity to make twice as much earned income while working 1/3 of the hours with only a fraction of the frustration and aggravation as a full time school teacher.
  • The 18-22 year old that sees the cost of college these days coupled with the very poor and real Return On Investment (ROI) associated with a bachelors degree in todays dollars.  Average cost of in state public college is $27,000, out of state public $42,000 and the median annual salary for age 20-24 just $39,364, age 25-34 $54,912 age 35-44 $64,116 and the highest age 45-54 just $67,756.  This job should pay you $125-$150k by year 2!!!!!
  •  Lastly, but possibly the most highly qualified is the former college player who wants to be their own boss and have a platform to remain in the game for the next 20-30 years while earning a very comfortable lifestyle.  However, I list this person last because yes, they are the most obvious candidate, but name recognition and playing experience will only go so far.  Parents need to feel they are receiving a quality ROI and expect professionalism in every sense of the word.  Basically, it is a much different skillset to differentiate oneself in leading an organization and running a business than playing on the court.


  • Internally motivated with a positive attitude
  • Diligent work ethic
  • Accountable to a process greater than yourself
  • Excellent communicator in person, on the phone and with timely email
  • A collaborative thinker willing to exercise empathy
  • An infectious personality that inspires others to raise their level
  • Strong sense of 4th grade math calculating coach to player to court to basket ratio
  • A mentor to others looking to expand their role as players, coaches, etc
  • Creative thinker and problem solver by actively listening
  • Understands the importance of executing a healthy balance lifestyle between being factual while also providing what the client desires
  • Social media friendly; Facebook, Instagram, TikTok
  • Ultimately it needs to be someone who can capture the interest of kids while earning the trust of parents.  The best part is, even if you do not possess this attribute… can always HIRE these folks. ?

If this is potentially you or someone comes to mind please feel free to reach out to discuss the terms, financial history, annual schedule and future programming ideas catered for the post Covid basketball landscape.